How To Improve Your Credit Score

A bad credit rating is something that can put a damper on many things in your life. When you experience this situation, it makes it difficult to get that student loan, buy a home, or get a secure line of credit. You may think it is impossible to get out of this type of situation,…

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What Assets Will I Lose If I Go Bankrupt?

Oftentimes, when people hear the word “bankruptcy”, they come to the immediate conclusion that they will lose everything they own. Although this is widely believed, this is a major misconception and we will clarify the terms of bankruptcy below. There are specific limitations called “personal bankruptcy exemptions”, which allow you to hold on to a…

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Money Management in Marriage

  It may not be considered “romantic” to talk to your spouse about finances, but it sure is necessary. In fact, multiple studies have recently shown that one of the main causes of marital disputes regards the issue of money, finances, and debt. These martial disputes are a main contributor of the high divorce rate,…

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What are the rules governing how collection agents may contact you?

As you may already know, there are numerous beliefs (some true and some not true) about what measures collection agents are allowed to take when approaching debtors so that they may recover funds from delinquent debtors without subjecting them to harassment. We thought it would be useful to share with you the information below which…

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