Credit Repair Assistance

In our years of experience we have found that one of the biggest concerns our customers have is how their debt solution options will affect their ability to obtain credit in the future. We will never be surprised to hear you ask “will I ever be able to get a mortgage again?” or “can I ever finance a car again?”, as we live in such a credit- driven economy.

The simple truth is that by not paying your debts on time or as agreed, the creditors have a duty to report this to the credit bureau and that includes any formal or informal settlements that you make. However, the good news is that once your debts are settled, the negative reporting that appears on your credit report usually ceases which means the road to credit repair recovery is not far away.

We will show you more about how this works and ensure you can access the information and resources needed to get you back on track.

Click or call for an appointment and get the real truth about credit repair!